
It’s a disaster warning! Announcing the Second Disaster Blogathon

I’m not actually sure when my love of disaster films formed and then fermented and here we are, with me cohosting a Blogathon about these films because I enjoy them so much. Me, the disaster film expert, getting ready to cohost this Blogathon I’ve pretty much seen every major disaster film released (at least in… Continue reading It’s a disaster warning! Announcing the Second Disaster Blogathon

Blogathons, Period Dramas

A Thank You to Our Costume bloggers

I must say that I am utterly humbled and thrilled by the calibre of entries that Paul and I have had for this Blogathon. I would like to thank each and every blogger who took the time to write a wonderful, thoughtful contribution to our Blogathon. We hope to do it again next year, and… Continue reading A Thank You to Our Costume bloggers

Blogathons, Period Dramas, Uncategorized

Passion and Perseverance: Sense and Sensibility (1995)

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that Jane Austen is one of the greatest, and most influential, authors to ever live. Her six completed novels have been translated into about thirty five languages, and Pride and Prejudice alone has sold some 20 million copies. In addition to being one of the best selling authors of… Continue reading Passion and Perseverance: Sense and Sensibility (1995)

Blogathons, Classic Film Discoveries, Period Dramas, Uncategorized

The Bonnets and Bustles: Costume Blogathon has arrived!

I am incredibly excited about this particular Blogathon because not only is it dedicated to one of my favourite genres, costume films, but it’s also the first Blogathon that I am cohosting with the wonderful Paul from Silver Screen Classics. This is bound to be a wonderful two days of reading about some of the… Continue reading The Bonnets and Bustles: Costume Blogathon has arrived!

Blogathons, Period Dramas, Uncategorized

The Danger of Desire: Dangerous Liaisons (1988)

Based on Pierre Choderlos de Laclos’ famous epistolary novel Les Liaisons dangereuses, Stephen Frears’ 1988 film Dangerous Liaisons is undoubtedly one of the best costume dramas ever made. Whilst that may sound like an overstatement, it really isn’t. Every aspect of the film’s production is utter perfection, from Frears’ direction, to the performances of the… Continue reading The Danger of Desire: Dangerous Liaisons (1988)

Blogathons, Period Dramas

Announcing The Bustles and Bonnets: Costume Blogathon

Costume films are one of the most popular and endearing genres of the medium. They have been made since the silent era, right through to the modern day and have changed and shifted as cinema and society has. The costume films that are made at a certain time often reflect the feelings and focus of… Continue reading Announcing The Bustles and Bonnets: Costume Blogathon

Blogathons, Uncategorized

Why Titanic Isn’t Actually Terrible

Almost immediately after its 1997 release, it became fashionable to dislike, criticise or “hate on” Titanic. This isn’t something specific to this juggernaut historical blockbuster. The trend of massively commercially successful movies that also garner critical acclaim in spite of their commercial success, stretches pretty far back, and there are ample examples. But Titanic is… Continue reading Why Titanic Isn’t Actually Terrible


A Thank You To Our Bond, Not Bond Bloggers

Gill and I have been positively overwhelmed and thrilled at the positive response that this Blogathon has received. We are so grateful that so many wonderful bloggers decided to participate and write such well crafted reviews and articles. Thank you so much to everyone who has participated with blogs about the films the six Bond… Continue reading A Thank You To Our Bond, Not Bond Bloggers


The Captain(s) of My Heart

My co-host for You Knew My Name: The Bond Not Bond Blogathon, the lovely Gill, nominated me for the Pick A Movie Tag. She invited me to write about my top five “hotties” wink, wink, and because I have a charitable heart and am not at all a person who enjoys talking about how handsome… Continue reading The Captain(s) of My Heart

Blogathons, Uncategorized

Black Panther: Timothy Dalton in Charlie’s Angels

Ah Charlie’s Angels. The epitome of what was termed “jiggle TV” in the late 70s and early 80s. I think you can understand why it was given that rather dubious term if you think hard enough. But in my opinion, and for many women who watched the film at the time of its airing, it… Continue reading Black Panther: Timothy Dalton in Charlie’s Angels